Vanuit de Elias channel-info komt de volgende indeling in Regional Area's (omgevingen) naar voren. Hoe dat zich verhoudt tot dimensies weet ik niet (onderstaand is voor mij duidelijk).
Even kort een vertaling van de engelse tekst daaronder:
Omgeving 1 = Objectief bewustzijn (hoe je je jezelf (als persoon) ervaart in het fysieke)
Omgeving 2 = Subjectief deel van jezelf (oa in contact hiermee via je dromen). Fungeert als doorgeefluik naar omgeving 1 vanuit de andere omgevingen.
Omgeving 3 = Overgang na overlijden (ervaren van collectief gevoel van verbondenheid)
Omgeving 4 = De bron van al het fysieke (daar begint het, vindt het idee plaats).
Deze omgevingen zijn het meest gericht op het fysieke.
Er zijn nog andere omgevingen maar die zijn niet in woorden te bevatten. Via omgevingen 4, 3 en 2 komen ze in 1 tot uiting. Elias bijvoorbeeld bevindt zich in omgeving 4 maar delen van zichzelf bevinden zich ook weer in hele andere (ook totaal niet fysieke) omgevingen.
Hieronder de engelse tekst van de wel bekende site
ELIAS: “I must explain to you that these Regional Areas are not to be viewed as stepping stones. It is not necessary to go through one before another, for they all overlap and they all intertwine. Therefore, you may incorporate areas of consciousness that may be in what you would view as another number, but this will have nothing to do with the area aspect of two or three or whatever number. They are only areas of consciousness. You may experience all of them simultaneously. Of course, if you are attempting this, you will be confusing yourself quite nicely!” [session 44, October 11, 1995]
ELIAS: “There are different areas of consciousness. These are related to attention. All of consciousness is all of consciousness. It is all the same. There are no planes. There are no levels. There are no better or higher places within consciousness. All is the same. There are different focuses of attention. In this, there are created what we term as areas of consciousness. These are not places. These are not things. They are not space. There are no sections of space that are designated as areas of consciousness. They are directions of attention. In this, they are also influenced by intent. Each essence occupies all areas of consciousness.” [session 157, March 09, 1997]
ELIAS: “Regional Area 1 is the area of consciousness that allows you the wonder of objective awareness; your waking, sensing, physical awareness; your recognition of all that you create and your participation in it.
“Regional Area 2 is that area of consciousness which is closest to and directly in alignment with Regional Area 1. It moves in harmony to your objective awareness. This is the area of consciousness that we term to be subjective awareness. It is another element of you.
“Movement through different areas, so to speak, of consciousness is continuously occurring. You as essence occupy all areas of consciousness simultaneously. As we have spoken earlier, once again, it is merely a question of where you are focusing your attention and how you are choosing to be exploring and creating.
“As you move through Regional Area 1 and 2 and choose not to be participating in those areas, you choose to move into Regional Area 3, which creates an action of transition. This is what shall be engaged once you create death in this focus.
“Upon movement through Regional Area 3, as I have stated, you may be choosing to move into any particular area of consciousness and creating an exploration.
“I occupy my attention – of this aspect of this essence, that which you identify as this personality of Elias – within Regional Area 4, for it offers myself the opportunity to be interactive with you within Regional Area 1 without an overwhelming expression of energy translation. There be much more difficulty in expressing objective communication with all of you here within Regional Area 1 if I were to be focusing my attention within a much more far-removed Regional Area of consciousness. (1)
“There are other aspects of my essence which do not occupy Regional Area 4, but this particular aspect is within that area, which affords to myself the exploration and engagement of teaching, and this offers helpfulness to individuals within Regional Area 1. (Silent pause, with Elias staring at the person who asked the question.)
(Smiling) “There is much information in conjunction with other Regional Areas of consciousness, but I shall express to you that they do not translate well into your understanding within the limitation of physical language. Therefore, I choose not to be offering tremendous expressions of information in conjunction with other areas of consciousness, for this merely offers an element of distortion.” [session 488, October 20, 1999]
ELIAS: “You, as essence, figuratively speaking – for consciousness is not a place and it is also not a thing – but figuratively speaking, you as essence occupy all areas of consciousness. Therefore, identifying any particular Regional Area is actually identifying different actions.
“In this, Regional Area 1 is the aspect of you in which you generate the action of physicality.
“Regional Area 2 is the area in which you generate the action of communication in association with Regional Area 1 and all other Regional Areas. It is the bridge to Regional Area 1, allowing for the availability of any desired information.
“Regional Area 3 is the action of interconnectedness, collective, of no separation, which also, in a manner of speaking, feeds to Regional Area 1 through Regional Area 2, in the sense within Regional Area 1 of being interconnected in some manner regardless that there is the appearance of separation.
“Regional Area 4 is the action of, (pause) in a manner of speaking, your archetype. In association with any action of generating any physical manifestation, this springs, figuratively speaking, from this whole of Regional Area 4.